This 27” X 37” wall hanging is put together with fusible and has been a big favorite on the Quilting cruises that Linda has taught on!
Supply list
Cutting Mat, Straight Pins, Small Sharp pointed Scissors, Havel’s Seam Ripper (instructor has these available for sale)
Pressing area and small pressing mat & share irons.
1 1/8 yd black batik for background
1 1/8 yd backing & batting (needed when finished)
1 1/2 yd fusible (prefer Trans Web or Wonder under…can be available thru instructor)
1/8 yd of assorted colors yellow orange, orange, red, fuschia, purple, red purple, blue purple, blue, turquoise, blue green, green and 1/4 yd yellow (a total of 12 colors)
1/4 yd white
1/4 yd black and white
Kit $60 includes pattern and everything you need. You’ll choose your colors when Linda comes.
$25 Members / $35 Non-members
To sign up, contact Melinda Stanton at