Melinda will use recorded video and a slide presentation so you can see details up close, and she will also show some Lucy and EPP projects in person. Most information is applicable to any kind of English Paper Piecing, not just Lucy Boston.
We’ll touch on fussy cutting techniques- how to choose and coordinate the best fabrics, looking for the characteristics that make a fabric great for fussy cutting and use in EPP projects.
We’ll see a kaleidoscope of possibilities using a magic mirror and your camera.
I’ll demonstrate how to “Swiss cheese” your fabric, and give you some ideas of how to use those tiny irregular pieces.
I’ll show you the basic 4-4-8-8 Patchwork of the crosses layout and the endless combinations you can get from that simple design!
We’ll discuss different supplies and what I recommend.
I’ll show you my favorite stitch, the Flat Back Stitch.
We’ll look at different settings and other things you can do with a block… or a lot of blocks!